Awesome News!

We are now officially immigrants! Just received our green cards in the mail today (^_^) Isn't that great? After almost 5 years, we can finally breathe easy and put our mind at ease .... sigh. I can't tell you enough how happy we are right now.

I'll also be able to apply for a SS# so I can get a part-time job. I found one that's near here, it's a drive-in restaurant called Stewart's. I already sent in my application and they gave me an info sheet to memorize (which I haven't done yet). I just have to call them for the test and if I pass that, I'll be waiting tables ... or rather ... cars (^_^) Although there are some tables outside too. I will request for the last shift so that I don't have to enroll Finn for after-school care. I'm hoping to find something I can do from home but most are the pyramid kind of businesses which is not really my cup of tea. We'll see, I have to get my SS# first.

Our vacation to the PI in July will be extra special since we don't have to worry about our status anymore. Last time we went home was end of December 2002, Finn was only 11 months then. We're so excited! I'm hoping to have a reunion with Sienans for both grade school and high school coz it's been years! They've had countless gatherings already so I hope one more while I'm there is not too much to ask of them.

Weeee!!!!! Time to celebrate (^_^)


h. said...

Has it been 5 years? Oo nga, six years na ko sa adb. :-) hehehe Congratulations!!

jho said...


Bambi said...

maraming salamat!

Anonymous said...

congrats! im so happy for you!
im sure a reunion will be in the offing. everyone of us will be excited to see you again.

Bambi said...

yes i want a reunion!!! can't wait to see all of you after all these years (^_^)

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