Zing Zang Zoom!

"The Greatest Show On Earth" is in NJ and we got to watch the show tonight (^_^) We were there very early coz we wanted to see the pre-show event. Everyone can go to the ring to watch short performances in different areas. Plus you can have your program (if you bought one) signed by the artists. We were only able to have 2 sign our program.

The show started at 7.30pm and ended before 10. It was great! As long as you don't think about the overpriced (popcorn is $7 and cotton candy for $12, but it did come with a wizard's hat) and so-so food ... hehehe. I wish I could experience being part of the circus. It looked like so much fun! Of course it's a lot of hard work too but I'm sure I'd have a blast performing (^_^).

At the beginning of the show, the clowns handed the microphone to one guy in the audience and he said a short speech and proposed! Lucky for him his girlfriend said yes. Imagine his embarrassment if she didn't (>_<) And maybe the rest of us would boo the girl ... hehehe.

And then there were the Circus Celebrities - they got to sit on a special bench in the ring! They also got to participate in a few clown tricks. Tickets for that is $150 tho (0_o) Ummm ... no thanks. Our seats were fine. We were on the lower level, not in the middle but still ok. Maybe if we were gonna watch Cirque du Soleil, we'd consider saving up for Tapis Rouge tickets.

After the show we went to buy food (coz a hotdog, a small bag of chips and a small drink isn't enough) and just ate at home. We were tired but had a wonderful time (^_^)


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