Five Kinds of Christmas

There were 2 shows on Saturday, one on Sunday which was booked for special needs kids. It felt really great doing that show for them coz they don’t get to enjoy live theatre with their families. They say they usually get turned away because the kids would disturb other patrons. Sad but true. Surprisingly, all the kids sat through the whole show without any tantrums (^_^) That means we can do more of this kind of show for them in the future.

bambi5KOC_01 There are Five Kinds of Christmas I’m Telling You …..


Put ‘em up!

bambi5KOC_03 There are Five Happy Kinds of Christmas Cheer …

bambi5KOC_04  The cobbler and “his” wife


What would you do with your prize money?

bambi5KOC_06 There are Five Happy Kinds of Hannukah Week …

bambi5KOC_07 Five days, six days, seven days, eight days!

bambi5KOC_08 Thank you rich person!

bambi5KOC_09 Yeah lots of food!

bambi5KOC_10 It’s no good if they can’t see me.

bambi5KOC_11 Why not? We’re not fussy.

bambi5KOC_12 What’s he saying?


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